Saturday, September 23, 2006

Redang islands

The night was cold, the air con was spouting cold air in a mono tone above my head. The engine of the bus buzz through out the night as i embark on my trip to terrangue to catch the ferry to go to redang. I had mixed emotions as i watched the bus driver recklessly drive in the midst of the darkness of malaysian road. Why won't he keep his head lights brighter. I turn to kenneth,my bunk mate,tribe mate , president of choir club," eh kenneth, see the uncle perform stunt" as the driver over took 3 tankers on a single lane road.

Sleeping then wasn't something we intended to do as the members from king kong tribe chatted away at our little corner . The occassional pit stops brought about excitement in the bus , as this meant toilet breaks, snacks, and the must have chewing gums.

I was browsing through the mart at a stop some where and noticed that price of things had risen quite significantly. I guess the people living there must be cursing us "tourist"for the price rise.

We finally reach terrangue jetty after 9 hours of bus ride. It was not that uncomfortable like i expected and i managed to get a few winks of sleep.Break fast was light with the energy bars they handed to us and a cup of tea. After a group picture and some chilling sessions with the tribe we were set off to take the boat to redang.

I almost had sea sick on board the cruise, Zzz, the effects of the pills wearing off. Any wat, I really got turned on as i saw how blue the blue sea was and the waves that slapped against little foundations around our destination.
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Upon reaching the island, we were greeted by crystal clear waters and white sands of the magnificent beach. The waves and batik looking buildings promised me a holiday which would be much enjoyed.

After much registerations and paper work we finally chked in to our allocated room. I shared room with Adrian (aka king kong ) , Alex and kenneth.
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Woots. After dropping the barang barang we proceeded to the restaurant for the buffet lunch waiting for us.After which was the programmes that the organising committee had planned for us.

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