Sunday, May 28, 2006

Its aint for ever.. its just too long.

In my life i think i've met lotsa people. Good people bad people, i didn't met too much of them , but i saw my fair share of the world. Well, i could only conclude now that life's aint fair and in many times we can't control our fate, and one of the saddest part of fate, is to see departures.

At departures, its like reading the conclusion of a story book. The end of perharps a wonderful time spent . It'ld be sad, thinking about how occasions like those could only be caputured in memories now. Its with my deepest regret, that i can't spend this very last part of the chapter , with a very fine person , comrade and friend i met . Irene.

It seemed so yesterday that 1a05 was formed, remembering those times we had , laughing, bickering, just chilling out. Jet li back then wasn't that cool, i understand.. =D Perharps maybe i'm being naive .. so naive that i can't accept the fact that you are alraedy leaving us, though its 1 year , but those time were nvr enough.

I guess the time down the road, each of us will be on our different paths, doing different things at different places. How ever looking back , we'll always remember that the happiness then was always so memorable.

I guess , its only natural that i wished you all the best in what ever you do at vancouver , i'ld also pray you and ur family will be safe over there , which u guys would be with my prayers.. wakkkaa.. Rite, 6 years ain't forever , when u are back again, i chop stamp go clubbing with u and ern~! Right , u'ld be missed.....


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