Sunday, October 28, 2007


How many times in life do we only remember some stuffs that we think is significant and forget about the stuffs that makes what ever it is significant?

So many times .

Like what the Mayor's advisor from the Simpson movie would say," We'll need 50 strong men and another 50 weak men to make the strong men look strong"

We need white men to make the black men look black , we need smart people to make the dumb people dumb, we need losers in order to have a winner, we need back stabbers to let us see who our friends are, we need love to have hate .

After some reflections on my own , i thought that the reason why I'm emoing so much every time is because I've been only remembering the times that i was sad. The things that made me sad . In fact, i sub consciously forget about the happy stuffs that made the sad stuffs look sad.

Maybe my level of autism is being brought to a higher level as I'm beginning to see things forming into a full circle. Every line that starts the circle will meet with the other end to form a full circle. Every step we take, will meet with what we deserve to be in.

There is just so many contrast in life that i think we mustn't forget . That may be the key in living a more balanced and enriched life .

Monday, October 22, 2007

The definition of a jerk

I guess whats done is done and it can't be undone. I was being a very selfish and insensitive person. I misplaced your trust for me and threw you around like a toy. I know now I don't deserve to be a good friend nor the best man for you any more. I just want to tell you all these because i want you to know , that you are the very best friend I've ever had in my life. I don't think there is any one out there that can replace you and the amount of trust i had for you. I was being a total jerk to you when you were always there to give me advice on every thing in my life . Misplacing your trust is the last thing that i seriously want to do , I was being insensitive and i deserve to be hated. Perhaps I didn't showed any form of appreciation to you before that you've have taken notice of so want to thank you, for everything and I'm sorry...for the things that I've done...really sorry dude...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

What is Jc up to again???

Well, lately, I've been busy. As in FUCKING EXTREMELY STUCK UP TIED UP ....

Most of the time i had was spent doing project work and all. Usermanual, the new banner design, the new back drop , photo shoots .. ARGH! They are a terrible bunch of wicked shet. Muahahahahaha , but something sweet is happening. Its good

Oh well, I'm off for a debate now... Ciao peeps , miss all of you, who ever you are =)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Its easy to make Jc a happy man

Argh, something good is happening!! This time, i think , I'll stay..

For sure..

Jeeze christ, since when was it did i do a proper update of myself . Light years! Well, I thought i do one now while i wait for my information for my work to load. Yes, I'm crampped once again, with gazillions of task to finish.Thats not gonna pull Jc down now though, something good motivates me! =)

Ay, Its easy to see that Jc is a cheer ful and happy person as of now. Even MY BLOG SKIN IS YELLOW! SO GAY!

I think I can get use of Ntu's dormotry, Jeeze, I;m actually satisfied with life without AIR CON! Jc's changed, thats for sure... Ay, like the song lyrics... DON'T LOOK BACK NOW..... ITS GONNA BE OK!

Woots, birds ,butterflies and bees, Here i come!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Jc will start being an ordinary man

In this post. Jc attempts to be an ordinary man doing an ordinary thing writing an ordinary post.

OK, what makes Jc an ordinary man I asked..

Jc says:
what makes Jc an ordinary man
Jc says:
*repeats* question
Ernest says:
i thought you said russel peters make you an ordinary man rofl
Ernest says:
go get some girls la

Jc should get some girls as according to what some ernests would say. Sources to find girls would be , the tube(mrt ps. Louis came out with this ), the national library, the club.... or even.. you can check out ur friend's Girl friend .

or·di·nar·y /ˈɔrdnˌɛri/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[awr-dn-er-ee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation adjective, noun, plural -nar·ies.
of no special quality or interest; commonplace; unexceptional: One novel is brilliant, the other is decidedly ordinary; an ordinary person.
plain or undistinguished: ordinary clothes.
somewhat inferior or below average; mediocre.
customary; usual; normal: We plan to do the ordinary things this weekend.
Chiefly South Midland and Southern U.S. common, vulgar, or disreputable.
(of jurisdiction) immediate, as contrasted with something that is delegated.
(of officials) belonging to the regular staff or the fully recognized class. –noun
the commonplace or average condition, degree, etc.: ability far above the ordinary.
something regular, customary, or usual.
an order or form for divine service, esp. that for saying Mass.
the service of the Mass exclusive of the canon.
History/Historical. a member of the clergy appointed to prepare condemned prisoners for death.
English Ecclesiastical Law. a bishop, archbishop, or other ecclesiastic or his deputy, in his capacity as an ex officio ecclesiastical authority.
(in some U.S. states) a judge of a court of probate.
British. (in a restaurant or inn) a complete meal in which all courses are included at one fixed price, as opposed to à la carte service.
a restaurant, public house, or dining room serving all guests and customers the same standard meal or fare.
a high bicycle of an early type, with one large wheel in front and one small wheel behind.
any of the simplest and commonest charges, usually having straight or broadly curved edges.
honorable ordinary. —Idioms
in ordinary, in regular service: a physician in ordinary to the king.
out of the ordinary,
exceptional; unusual: Having triplets is certainly out of the ordinary.
exceptionally good; unusually good: The food at this restaurant is truly out of the ordinary.
[Origin: 1250–1300; ME ordinarie (n. and adj.) order) + -ārius -ary] —Related forms
or·di·nar·i·ness, noun
—Synonyms 3. See common. 4. regular, accustomed.
—Antonyms 1. extraordinary, unusual. Unabridged (v 1.1)Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

Jc can start being oblivious to every thing that is happening around him. Thus , that makes Jc an ordinary man. To be mediocre. Just nice kinda Guy.

Thus , you know what? I don't care .

Ernest says:
to make jc an ordinary man, talk to the ordinary ernest
I'll go talk to ernest now.