Saturday, August 27, 2005

Himana...anata wa kire nei.. bokuwa, aishiteru~

I walked in these constant emptiness every where i go, the present seems so nostalgic but i'm living in it still .. what has gotten into me that made me so blind and so diregardful of wat i've done . Faith dwindles as enimity engulfs my pride and soul breaking it up... all together..

Kor asked" eh marc, u want to ride?"

didi replied" Yea.."

Kor asked" wanna ride like me ? As fast as me ? "

didi replied" ok , but i nid a bike "

kor asked" do u want to race?"

Didi replied " I not sure..."

KOr asked" Why do u tink u can ride like me and what makes u want to ride like me?"

didi said" my friend and i went cycling , i rode faster den my friend, i dare to go down the slope and my friends dare not , so i think i can ride like u "

Kor smiled thinking" ay ay , thats my bro... "

And so, thats how i decided to get even more money to get a bike for my bro .. hur hur..

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