Saturday, July 29, 2006

busy days

Aiyai yai... long time no post ...~

WEll, i've been pretty , very , busy this two weeks , that explains why i took so long to do a update . Sorry >_<

Right , the past two weeks saw quite alot of things. Apart from school work.... basically... there is little other things. =S Well, like u can conclude, i've been too busy with school work i'm negleting every thing else... Yes , everything else , my friends... my sleeping time my bike. Things are also rather happening at home, but i'll it to that ,shan't touch more about it.

Talk about how i prioritize my stuffs, i think i'm getting a wee bit over stress up with the shit loads of work. Tsk, i need even better time management i guess. Other wise i'll be sauntering halve heartedly every day to school.

The club is omg tough to manage now. With ppl all having school work, we're running low on man power. Tsk , msn came in real handy now adays to relay msges. Esp when we've got big evetns like the pengerrang trip and the Race we're gonna organize.

Perharps i'm more of a loner now adays . Ok ,maybe yesterday. School. I couldn't really click with them all. Thus , confining myself to the bellows of the head set and the monitor . ok fine , maybe i'm lacking on intiative but, wth , i can't do it.

Well, not that i'm totally enjoy being alone or wat . I do feel empty . Yes , i'm feeling very empty now adays. Sheesh ern , stop the gf thing , its not about that. Maybe it is... though.

Well, thats about it for this post.. maybe i'll write a story on the next one... tsk, i've been writing too much , rwps , else .. time out.I need kit kat.

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