Saturday, July 14, 2007

He is troubled.

Once upon a time , muthu was very very troubled.....

Damn , This inconsistent blogging sucks. OK , i shall blame school work for this again!Damn , the projects dead lines are all piling on top of each other. Stress and tension is indeed building up, quarrels , disputes, conflicts , communication break down.. all the shet all erupting.Woots, I think i'm good though , since i've could vent all my hate to just one person.
OK, other then the over due cheque i've yet to claim , i'm officially broke. No notes , no ATM card , no coins .. BROKE. As in like the past tense of break ! What the hell was the poor man wishing for again.. damn it
Argh.. I've been taking pictures the whole of today actually . Geeze, The lens Evan borrowed was awesome, picture quality and all. Nice~ Maybe i'll make this post a post to like , "show off " alil. OK, here goes..

This kid here obviously Caught my attention. Halve the time i was trying to take a decent picture of the swans in the back ground he kept jumping in front of me. Adorable yet irritable. I love kids like this, especially when i push one of them into the pond and they just drown and die in front of me. PS, I didn't did that though, his dad is one hell of a black buffalo.

There were plenty of fishes there.Small fish , gold fish , BIG fish. Damn if only they allowed me to fish there. Most of the fishes doesn't stand out due to their colors and the reflections from the water surface , but this bunch of fellows did an impressive job on flaunting their Little, yet majestic colours.

The pond is a great place to be at, plenty of life , from the annoying kids to the various creatures there. There was sort of a commotion going on at the creeks , so i went over and woots, there it was, that little fellow taht caught my heart at first sight. The way it wobbles , the way it cleans its wings clumsily , the way it swims .. damn , I knwot eh following word would sound over rated but its ... seriously.. CUTE.
The fellow is pretty cooperative too. It just waddle around me and starts giving me different poses as i start working my camera on it. Like , who needs Tyra banks as a model when you got Ducky quack modelling for you.~ Then Ducky quack's girl friend , Quaky duck came along to meet him for a little date out in the pond.They're so sweet that the fishes are swimming . -_-

Other then the creatures there are also plenty of fauna at the park. Ok , the flowers don't move and they are just pretty by them selve, so i shan't go ahead and elaborate on the pictures. Self judgement is require in this segment , please proceed with brains~

Yes , this is a water fall.. which is like 1 feet high leading to a tributary stream AKA , long kang. Any what , you guys can click on the pictures if you want a larger view of them or , if you want a finer picture , just come to me~ Critics and comments are welcome eh! I'll leave it here. BYE!

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