Friday, July 20, 2007

Self Mutilation

What the fuck is wrong with you now JC. Its 1 in the morning u're lessons start at 8 tml and you are still here sitting on your god damn ass typing this retarded shet?This post is going to be pointless you know.

You're feeling down and all over what the fuck again? Lousy play? You're in pain? What the fuck is wrong with your knees ? Why you want to play vball so much ? Got use? Why play until so lousy?Fuck ~

You're feeling down and all over what the fuck again? The things that happened ? What fucking things? You made people hate? YOu hate who? Why you care so much about what other people feel? Why so kind? Fuck~

You're feeling down and all over what the fuck again?What projects? What work? Fuck care ~ What due times? What responsibilities? What stress? What is this kind of stress... fucking small orite... don't complain. Fuck~

You're feeling down and all over what the fuck again?Why you're reading things you shouldn't read? Why you get so sad over the things she said? What is she to you?You like her? No , then why care so much? What do you want? Fuck~

Life's a dick.

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