Thursday, April 10, 2008

Psychotic fishing uncles

I need sleep! I seriously need some sleep soon or else my blood shot eyes are gonna start bleeding. So, heres a quick one to update on what happened today.

Early this morning I woke up at 530 am to go fishing with sum and soon. I think we're getting more and more hard core as the weeks past and when we reached bedok jetty, it looked so barren and forlorn that we could literally cast where ever we want to cast.

The bait fishes were every where today so jigging for baits was easy, how ever , probably there was a change in tidal conditions or sorts, the bait fishes looks like baby godzillas and were alil too big for fishing. We soon got enough of bait and started fishing.

My noodle rod haven't got any takes on the new method I employed which I didn't anticipated for it to happen. My braided lines got tangled into a huge mess which in the end , i've got to sacrificed the mess up bunch and cut them away and rejoin the line. Now, that meant that I've got less line on my noodle rod now. I casted it out as per usual and soon enough, there was a strong pull and my line was like pouring out of my reel. When it was doing that , I was still slowly strolling over to my rod to pick it up when i suddenly realised that I'm left with little line on the reel which eventually got stripped of my reel, which means, the main line is on the verge of snapping .

Luckily, the main line didn't break and i got there just in time before the fish made another run. Sigh, just when things seemed alittle brighter for me, i reeled in the fish and found yet another tangled mess just before the fish, more line cut off. After the next todak, i decided to retire my noodle rod. Sigh,I need to do line shopping soon.

Having nothing else better to do, i decided to start jigging for bait fishes again. By this time i've a cable car set up for my surf rod which I just dropped an godzilla size tamban into the water with. As I was speaking to this Belgium lady about how big the fishes from Belgium are, my rod surf rod bent and almost fell off the jetty!The macik beside the rod was like BIG FISH BIG FISH!!!

Again I had the urge to stroll over again how ever, some one behind me shouted RUN LA( Malay accent way) and I sprinted. Note, i strewn my jigging rod on the floor where some one conveniently stepped on it later and broke my jigging hooks.Back to the fish on hand , when i reach for my rod it was already bending profusely and it suddenly stop, I thought i lost the fish when suddenly, it started its run again! It was damn exciting although seriously, the surf rod was an over kill for that fish . Every time the fish did an acrobatic stunt by leaping out of the water , the hearts of the people watching it skipped a beat.People started commenting on the type of fish it is and when finally, after a few minutes, the fish surfaced and I brought it out of the water..It was a queen fish! The feeling was just too slick when I look at my first queen fish, ay. That slickness feeling how ever was destroyed when i saw some one almost landing a queen fish about 4-5 times bigger then mine. Tsk~

One thing about bedok jetty is the amount of inconsiderate , cocky and selfish bastards on the jetty. There were plenty of squabbles going on at the jetty today with one involving this young man and this old man. Both of them are equally hot headed and they almost went into a fist fight. Hurling vulgarities with each other, just over some tangled fish lines and hooks is simply over board.Then there is homicidal fisherman who fishes all those bait fishes and just leave them to die on the floor. Which he kicks them down at the end of his killing fish and time session. What i've witness today is totally senseless and i'm seriously very disappointed with the people and size of my queen fish. Tsk, I guess thats what you get when you're fishing in Singapore i guess.

Whats the point of fishing when you want to fight and get angry over it?

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