Sunday, October 02, 2005

The reason why we lock our pinky fingers seal our promises...( extracted from "wind struck")

Once upon a time.. live a princess .. a very vain one.Image hosted by

She looks at the magic mirror every day and ask the same question, who is the most beautiful gal in the world, and she got the same answer as the mirror said that she was the most beautiful gal in the world..
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How ever having beauty but not being appreciate is not enuff tot the princess, so she decides to get married. Invitations to the match-making sessions was sent and many fine young men came down , hopeful to get the princess, there was many fine young man, but not all were fine young man, like tis one
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The princess decides to choose the man which could understand her. So she told the hopefuls that whoever raises the finger that she was gonna raise.. he will get her hand for the marriage. Plenty tried, plenty failed. All down till it reached Prince J the C . Prince J the C nevously held out his hand and, then .. he sticks out his little finger..

surprise the princess was , that she had found the right guy..

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And so their fingers were locked as the promised love to each other . tra la la..
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And the got married .. How ever none of them knew the war which was gonna start ..
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Prince J the C had to be called upon for duty and he had to leave his wife behind in order to fight for his country. On the night before he left, he Met the princess. The princess said 'Hey hun... promise that u'll come back ... " Prince j the c said " i promised " He locked his little finger against her , and said' i'll come back to lock my finger against urs again as promised.." and he went off to fight the war.

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weeks past, months past, years past.. the princess waited , looking at the horizon constantly seeking out for that familiar silhoutte, but to no avail.
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Then the king decides that the princess should stop waiting and should re marry. Another series of match making was held but of course, all the hopefuls were turn downed. THen came a filthy begger.The guards didnt allow him to come in first but the princess tot that every one stands a chance to be her groom so she allowed him in.
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To her surprised it was prince J the C . The princess was still able to recognise him despite his battered looks. Image hosted by

That night as both of them sat together on the couch... prince J the C held out his hand to the princess to lock their pinky fingers.
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The moment they unlock their fingers, prince J the C stood up .. and started walking away. Surprised the princess was , she stopped the prince but he kept walking away. She gave chase but eventually lost sight of him.

The next morning soldiers bought in the body of prince J the C . Apparantly he was killed during war.. devastated the princess was she was drowned by her sorrow when she look at the body of her late fiance.Image hosted by

That night , the princess decides that she had no point living on so she took some of this..
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And then she laid on prince J the C's chest and lock their fingers once more as her life slowly drains away.
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despite being killed in the war prince J the C ghost still came back to fufil the promise.. thus that is why ... we use our little fingers to seal a promise.

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