Saturday, June 02, 2007

One of the worst

The almond drink didn't work=S I thought it did work but come next morning , I began coughing again and it got worse this morning. I had a bad dream in the middle of the night and i couldn't get back to sleep.I still can remember the dream, and its pretty ridiculous. I dreamt that i was looking at many good flash web sites and photos that I kept going ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG in front of my computer. I was frantic while dreaming that dream as i kept clicking on the different links and pages... I woke up in cold sweat and had a bad head ache. Period, been thinking way too much , brain hemorrhage.

It became even worse when my sinus set in and i was coughing , sneezing and my head was pounding... I had Panadol and that sent me to a rather, peaceful but coerced slumber in the later part of the afternoon. I woke up feeling better so i gave Ern a call to confirm the trip down to the IT fair. Then we were there , woots plenty of people... No Pz i didn't saw you ... theres plenty of people teeming around and whats more, i think my eye sight got dulled today@_@

Dinner was at sub way, i thought it'ld be healthy to eat there, despite the peanut butter cookie and coke, and a little ice cream for dessert. Ay, the guys are evil , as always , when they temt to eat that 50 cents ice cream , and yes , the sneezing and coughing and head ache came back in a package halve way through my ice cream. I was parched , so i and zj hydrated ourselves at 7-11, once again i thought apple juice would be healthy so i drank a can , woots , the sneezing got worse. I got home coughing terribly and there was phlegm and all, then i spit out some, blood, woots. I'm pretty sure that the blood was due to too much heat and all, so hmm, i'll just put liang teh as my main diet now. Its scary though , to cough blood.

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