Friday, December 22, 2006

Gao Gao Muah Chee

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Tang Yuan ( very yuan)

Mum made loads of glutinous rice balls today for break fast. Apparently, there is some Chinese festival going on thus , the traditional dish. There were some left over glutinous rice dough and mum haven't got time to cooked those. So i thought of an ingenious idea out of it.

I made a dessert out of the remnants which i named it the above.The idea originated from muah chee.If you guys had been to the pasar malam(night market for those who still don't know what it is) you can see vendors selling this dish for say,$3 bucks per packet? Price jacked up. I still remember during my secondary school days, the bunch of us guys were selling those during some bazaar at school. We were there singing songs and getting customers to buy from us. They still nick named us muah chee boys, how cool is that.
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Gao Gao Muah Chee

Gao Gao muah chee is simple to make , just follow the steps below =D

First lets touch on the ingredients we're gonna use.

Ground peanuts (note , only use roasted peanuts to grind please.. )
White sugar
Brown sugar (proportion of sugar is up to self preferences)
Glutinous rice dough( for those who don't know how to make those, you can get it at the market ready made ,else ask me )
Chemical X( this is the thing that will make my muah chee taste different from yours XD)

OK , now we've got the ingredients we're ready to start. First boil enough water to cover up all your glutinous rice dough. Then roll up your glutinous rice dough into small balls and dump them into the boiling water. Cook till the dough floats or for 15 minutes.
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Balls in boiling water

Here is the trick to make the balls taste better , prepare a bowl of ice water and dump the cooked balls into the bowl. Don't ask me why , i don't know too.. i compared it with those not dump in the ice water and they just taste different.
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Balls in ice water

Then dump the balls back into boiling water again just to scald them then place them into a bowl. In the bowl add some vegetable oil ( in this case i used olive oil , the healthier choice) .This is to prevent the cooked balls from sticking onto each other .

Fill a bowl with the grounded peanuts and sugars .
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Remember to mix the peanut powder thoroughly

Mix well and dump the balls in. This is the tricky part. You got to roll the balls to get them coated with the peanut mixture without tearing them and have them coated thoroughly .
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Balls in peanut powder

Once you've done that , your Gao Gao Muah Chee is done. Bon appetite. I let ah ma taste it and she went Gao gao ( good good in hokkien) thus, the name of the dish.
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Apples taste great with them,serious..

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