Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Went to Bt for the first time with spds. KInda dissapointing.. I only did 1 lap.. I'm not able to continue with the injuries..

Fell twice , first fall at the first section of berlukar.. dat was kinda .. technical. Technically.. my front tyre slipped. Its quite normal for tht spot as its filled with loose sand.. and normally we are able to control the bike from losing control. But, i guess its my inexperience with the spds tht cause me to fall there. The front wheel locked out and slipped , due to my feet stucked to the pedal, i am not able to shift the weight of the frame to the opp direction, thus the bike began to tail spin .. cozing me to land with my feet stuck on the pedals on my arm.

For the second fall it was at the second section nearing echo. I tink its due to pure carelessness tis time. I did not saw the bulging rock.. so my rear hit on bad.. endowed but tis time luckier my feet came off the pedals.. so i juz landed on my back and went into a roll out but hitting the tree again with my hip.~~ Tht caused my knee and hip bruise.

Was unable to continue riding much after a while more.. Thus i decided to go home earlier. Hopefully tis wounds dry up by tomolo.. and i'll be going for four laps again tomolo.Orite Jc.. U can do it...

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