Sunday, January 30, 2005

Wootz, today went to pets villa.. took a few pics.. i guess pic describe a thousand words so i shunt type much.. whahaha actually i'm lazy la.. lol here are the pics

On the car..with my shades.. theres our lead actor of the day. Beng.

Beng to the rescue...

They are having some major dilemia.. Whose piece of shit is tht?

beng den saw his damsel in distress..

Oh my.. some one else came in and saved the damsel .. so beng was left out.. and he went looking for other damsels.

and indeed he found two pretty ladies and they sorta.. kissed each other in the muzzels.

soon beng was bored with the two small dogs and decide to go even bigger..

alas.. his side kicks arrived

some how.. they are disorientated..

alas... our star of the day.. return.. leaving me.. bedless tonight again.. the end..i know my story plot is lame.. bear wit it

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